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How to reactivate a free Microsoft Office Subscription?

James Enrique
How to reactivate a free Microsoft Office Subscription?

(Please note the reactivation steps given in this article are applicable only to the free Office 365 subscription.

If you are using a paid version of the Office 365 Setup and want to reactivate it then contact the Microsoft Office Setup support team for the guidance.)

Microsoft Office 365, the latest version of the Office productivity suite is available as both paid and free subscriptions.

On the other hand, if you avail a paid version, you can make the most of the Office 365 and access all its functions and features for real-time co-authoring, working together in groups, and other purposes.

In this article, we are going to provide you the easiest way to reactivate your free Microsoft Office subscription after the trial period expires.

Just make sure you follow the steps precisely without making any mistake.

James Enrique
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