With the abundant job opportunities and flourishing economy, one can consider the present situation as merry days for job seekers; feeling free to indulge in the present practice of changing jobs and obtaining salary hikes. But technological innovation never stops. With the fifth industrial revolution in the corner, the jobs are changing and changing sooner than expected. The roles, which are important today may become irrelevant in the near future. Your old skills and expertise are getting obsolete soon and you must have noticed, the demand for updating skills is becoming frequent than usual. All these are indicating to a major change in the near future and to be ready you have to innovate yourself before it’s too late.
Automation is not taking away jobs but it is actually transforming the processes and creating new opportunities. In most areas, repetitive tasks are getting automated and new roles requiring high intelligence capabilities are created and entitled to human workers. Like there is already a huge demand for AI, ML professionals and according to a report, industries are even unable to exploit the full potential of these technologies due to the skill shortage. Also, there are many emerging fields which are looking promising. Choose one that interests you and maybe matches to your present skill set and will be easy for you to pick up. Before deciding it is important to weigh your options carefully. The market changes quickly so its requirements. Then prepare yourself well. It’s an age of online courses and there are plenty of resources online and of course, nothing can replace a good library.
Now, if you have decided on change why stops at innovating. Reinvent and transform yourself completely; like a leading professional in finance picking up the brush and become a successful painter. First, you need to look inside and decide what you want to do and then you can explore all the choices. If you already have a natural inclination and prepared well for your new vocation success will follow soon.
Need a simple job change or ready to take the big leap in your career MyAmichi can help. With a database of countless open positions from different industries, across the verticals, search and find the perfect job from the rich database of MyAmichi Smart Hiring Platform according to your preferences or enjoy MyAmichi Smart Match, a list matching jobs generated by the platform according to your profile and apply.