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Windows 10 Creators Update-Installation Failure-Error 0xC1900101-0x4000D

karthik m
Windows 10 Creators Update-Installation Failure-Error 0xC1900101-0x4000D

This error 0xC1900101-0x4000D mainly occurs in Windows 10 update version installation.

Disclaimers: Before you attempt to fix an issue with the windows update, we highly recommend you to take a registry backup and create a system restore point as a precaution method.

How to avoid Windows 10 installation fails with error code 0xC1900101-0x4000D?

Check whether you have installed all updates regarding the operating system.If you have already tried and encountered the same issue several times, then follow these steps.

In the command prompt window, type SFC/SCANNOW and press enter,

The scanning process takes some time to return results.

karthik m
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