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Cab Booking Website Development | Taxi Booking Website Portal

jamesh suresh
Cab Booking Website Development | Taxi Booking Website Portal

Pinginfotech developed Taxi Booking Website Portal for the cab and travel agency entrepreneurs for their profitable revenue business website with fully loaded aspects of cab booking script features and functionality to make the booking service more effective to the users with real time tracking experience.

The user can book the cab service with location and categories of cars on the homepage. The visitor can view the Travel Agencies details by clicking the Travel Agency name or Travel Agency profile image. Registered user can book the listed car and can view the booking status of the travel agency. In our Cab Booking Website Development the users, admin and travel agency will gain the benefits easily. The important advantages of our Online Cab Booking Software are real time user experience, User-friendly and flexible, SEO optimized and responsive design.

The major features of our Taxi Booking Management Software are advanced cab search option, simple register and login option,  travel agency list and details management, user and travel agency booking management, reviews and rating options, attractive user interface and powerful admin dashboard, CMS settings, location and category management, and many more. Without any technical knowledge and programming skills, the admin can easily handle and mange the user and travel agency owners.

We are the leading Website Development Company for the past sixteen years and we are offering different types of readymade clone scripts products to the clients at affordable price. We offer 1 year technical support, 6 month free updates of the source code what we provide, after purchasing the script from us, the website will be launched within 12 to 24 hours. We are providing different types of Taxi Booking Website Portal to the clients at the affordable price.


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jamesh suresh
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