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Warm Calling confusion

Jakub Kliszczak
Warm Calling confusion
Warm calling is a great way of turning poor-converting cold calls into the bulletproof solution to turning prospects into paying customers.
Yet, warm calling is not so straightforward. Many salespeople fail to follow the required steps and instead of doing warm calls they simply tweak their cold calling efforts so little that there is no distinguishable difference between what they're doing now and what they had been doing before.
To clarify all of that misunderstanding and confusion we've put out the whole article published at CrazyCall on how to properly execute warm calling.
You'll find there the best practices, guides, and tips on warm calling.
What's more, we explain the difference between telemarketing as oftentimes people confuse these two aspects of sales calls.
You'll find the whole article right here: https://www.crazycall.com/blog/warm-calling
Jakub Kliszczak
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