The orthokeratology has similarity to orthodontics, except that, as the cornea and a soft elastic fabric, after the treatment should be used for several hours a day contact lens retainer to maintain the shape of the cornea.
Orthokeratology lenses, also called Orto-K, reduce myopia by adapting lenses with special designs. These lenses shape the cornea by varying its curvature while sleeping. In the morning, the patient takes them off and sees well the rest of the day.
Surely you have heard and read on more than one occasion that contact lenses cannot be used while you sleep. And, indeed, most contact lenses should be removed before you go to bed. Contact lenses that are not adapted for nighttime use can cause a lack of oxygenation in the eye and, as a consequence, the formation of infections or corneal ulcers.
But nowadays there is a modality of contact lenses that are adapted for this specific use. This technique is called Best orthokeratology and thanks to its use you can correct certain visual defects such as myopia.
In this article we want to talk about orthokeratology: what it consists of, how this technique works while you rest, and how it can help you.
What is orthokeratology and how does it work?
Orthokeratology is a technique for compensating for myopia by wearing contact lenses at night while you sleep, eliminating the need during the day to wear glasses or contact lenses.
Contact lenses for ortho-K are manufactured in a personalized way for each patient, according to the particular characteristics of each eye, using the latest manufacturing technologies and the most advanced materials.
The use of these lenses while sleeping modifies the shape of the cornea temporarily, getting the user when he wakes up does not need another correction. The concept is similar to that of laser surgery, except that with the laser the modification of the cornea is irreversible and, consequently, there are more risks.
The orthokeratology allows reaching the total visual correction up to the environment of -5.00 diopters. For major prescriptions, the treatment usually requires much more time until reaching the total correction and sometimes the partial correction can be considered as the ideal solution.
The result is very dependent not only on the amount of myopia, but also on the particular characteristics of each cornea. Therefore, the initial assessment of a professional is essential to study the feasibility of the treatment. In most cases the total correction is reached in a period of between one and two weeks .
This technique is suitable for any age and, especially, in those users where it is convenient to avoid the increase in myopia. Scientific studies published during recent years have shown that it is an effective technique to slow the progression of myopia.
One of the concerns of the interested parties, and especially of the parents of the possible younger users, is the safety of the treatment. The ortho-K is not different from the rest of the modalities of contact lenses in terms of risks and adverse effects. It is a very safe treatment if it is carried out by a specialized Optometrist and the patient complies with his instructions and goes to the periodic reviews scheduled by the specialist.
What advantages does orthokeratology have?
The advantages of orthokeratology over other correction options for myopia are the following:
1. Vision corrected during the day without glasses or contact lenses.
For this reason, its use is recommended to patients who work in environments in which their glasses or contact lenses get dirty easily. They are also indicated for those people who do not want or cannot undergo refractive surgery, for those who perform activities incompatible with the use of glasses (such as athletes) or professionals who require a good day vision (such as police officers or firefighters)
2. It is a reversible treatment.
The structure of the cornea is flexible and moldable so that, once the treatment is abandoned, the cornea will return to its previous shape.
3. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated to slow down the progression of myopia.
Orthokeratology can only be carried out by optical professionals specialized in this technique: they will assess your case and advise you on the use of these contact lenses.
Orthokeratology: Is it safe?
Yes. The results offered by this technique are very satisfactory both for its speed of action and for its safety. Expectations have improved even more thanks to the development of technology. In any case, the adaptation of this type of lens requires a personalized study.
• Can it be used at all ages?
In the ages in which better results are obtained is in young people, although the Ortho-k can also be used in older people.
• What advantage does orthokeratology offer over surgery?
It is an appropriate option for the optical treatment of myopia , completely reversible: when contact lenses are no longer used, the initial shape of the eye is recovered avoiding the possible complications of refractive surgery .
Unlike laser surgery, there are no cuts or weakening of the cornea.
• Do these contact lenses cause any discomfort?
When they are worn, they are hardly noticeable. And since they are only used during sleep, the discomfort associated with wearing the lenses during the day is avoided.
• How long do they last?
For its correct operation it is necessary to replace them every year. Its care is simple, similar to that required by conventional contact lenses. You just have to clean them every day with a special liquid and store them in their case.
Orthokeratology: opinion
Although it seems new, it is a technique with many years of travel. It has the same number of followers as detractors although most opinions are based more on economics than on ocular health.
It is true that Orthokeratology is a delicate, long and sensitive process. And most of the problems appear because of the patient's own carelessness.
It is not a simple adaptation of contact lenses, but a treatment that requires periodic checks and frequent lens changes until the desired result is found.
Given the elastic character and the shape memory of the cornea, the obtained dioptric reduction is of transitory nature that is to say that if the patient abandoned the use of his lenses, the myopia would return to its initial situation.
Night orthokeratology: Adaptation
This technique has no side effects and the possible complications are the same as in any other user of semi-rigid lenses.
The programmed adaptation system requires sophisticated equipment, frequent lens changes and rigorous periodic controls.
The treatment lasts approximately six months, but not everyone is a good candidate for orthokeratology.
Before starting any type of treatment, patients undergo a meticulous visual and ocular examination and only when they have all the data is decided what is the best for each case.
Aplusoptometry.com.au is one of best orthokeratology lenses Provider Company. Here you can get different kind of lenses at very reasonable rates.