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How to Turn Off Drop- In on Amazon Alexa

ava williams
How to Turn Off Drop- In on Amazon Alexa

Some parents will find the Drop-In feature very convenient, as it helps them reach to their kids. You can easily communicate with Amazon Alexa by using the Drop-In feature. You will instantly find the audio or video stream in case the person is using the Amazon Echo Show device. Here’s how to turn off Drop-In on Amazon Alexa.

Steps for Turning Off Drop-In Feature on Amazon Alexa

•    Click on the Alexa application to open it.

•    Press on the menu symbol located on the upper right-hand to get the more option on the display.

•    Click on the Settings option provided at the end of the fly-in window.

•    After that, choose the Device Settings option by going to the fly-in window.

•    Now, you will get the pull-down list of all the paired Amazon Alexa devices on display.

•    Go to the drop-down menu and after that, choose the available Amazon Alexa devices by clicking on it.

•    The settings tab gets open on the screen of the specific Amazon Echo.

•     You have to slide down and choose the Communication option given below the General window.

•    The drop-in feature is located at the end of the Communication screen.

•    You have to click on it to get more available options on the display

•    You have to select any one option from the three options given on the screen.

•    In case the drop-in feature is enabled, the authorized contacts can drop in on the Amazon Alexa.

•    In case you wish to turn off the Drop-In feature completely, then you need to choose the Off button located at the end of the display.

Steps for Turning Off Drop-In Feature for Specific Contacts

•    Choose the contacts by going to the fly-in drop-down list given on the upper left-hand side of the display.

•    Press on the text field.

•    Enter the contact name wh0o you wish to delete to use the Drop-In feature.

•    You can permit the Drop-In feature provided below the permissions option.

•    Press on the option given on the right-hand side to switch the permissions option off.

Steps for Using Drop-In Feature on Amazon Echo Devices

•    You need to ask “Alexa, drop in on your device name” and you will be paired to it automatically.

•    In case you have many devices which are paired to the Amazon Alexa at home, then you need to ask “Alexa, drop in on the home.”

•    Amazon Alexa will show you all the home devices which are paired to it.

•    Select any one device to use the drop-in feature.

Source url:- http://go-office-2019.com/blog/how-to-turn-off-drop-in-on-amazon-alexa/

Ava Williams is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Ava Williams has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as office.com/setup.

ava williams
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