If you are the one who likes arranging things, this game of ours is a perfect choice for you. Make your brain work hard - Play Towers of Hanoi!
The Towers of Hanoi is an ancient puzzle played with three stacks and any number of differently-sized disks. At the start, all the disks are in the leftmost stack, with the largest disk on the bottom and the smallest on the top. The object is to get all the disks over to the rightmost stack.
Ready to take the challenge, here you go:
The main challenge in Tower of Hanoi was to implement functionality for the user to pick up a ring from a pole, move to focus area of the desired pole, and place it there. But after grilling our brains around, we finally achieved the flying colors.
Then came the thrilling logic to reserve and hold the user’s best score and time. It was a bit complicated in the beginning, but we were able to get through that.
Initially, we affixed the root game board design, which can be called as the playground.
User can select the number of rings (at least 3 and at most 10) by using the ring selector.
Basically, the user has 3 poles. First holding the selected rings, middle pole as a helper pole, and the last one as the target pole.
In short, getting the EXACT replica of the ring pattern from 1st pole to the 3rd pole in the proper order using the 2nd pole, is the total work-around the game.
It was a sound implementation for the people waiting to grill their brains with some logical salt and spices, to solve the most amazing puzzle – Tower of Hanoi.