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A Quick Steer to Popular Buzzer Run Free Roku Game | Tudip

Tudip Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
A Quick Steer to Popular Buzzer Run Free Roku Game | Tudip

Pass the ball through electric wires without touching them in minimal time or else buzzer will blow. Beat your best score for free. Buzzer Run lovers finally found their most popular game at the Roku Channel Store. 

Ready to take a challenge here: https://channelstore.roku.com/en-gb/details/282571/buzzer-run-free


Designing has always been an important parameter for game development. Designing the game board with buzzer wires and balls for different maps using the scene graph’s different renderable nodes could be a wearisome task as handling the renderable nodes is quite difficult.

Setting animation of the moving ball with the changeable speed depending on key presses and setting them in their respective coordinates, are complex jobs.


We designed a map selection screen, with the game board having balls and wires for three different maps using the scene graph’s different renderable nodes.

We used different scene graph animation nodes to set the animation to move the running ball and built logic using the BrightScript to move the ball in left/right/up/down directions.

Implemented logic in BrightScript to calculate a score based on the minimum time taken for a ball to reach the target hole on the game board.


Completed the smooth ball animation to concentrate on moving the ball without touching an electric wire. There are three maps with diverse complexities and one has to reach the target hole in the least time to beat the best score.

Buzzer Run lovers finally found their most popular game at the Roku Channel Store.

Ready to go – https://tudip.com/our-portfolio/#roku

Tudip Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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