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board of a life interest | life-lyon | life marseille | life-nice

board of a life interest | life-lyon | life marseille | life-nice

The sale of a life interest is for l’acquédouble sculls (appelé débirentier) to buy a home without having to pour allé of the sale price on the day of l’acquisition.
To the vendor (callé crédirentier), the sale of a life interest is to receive a monthly pension up to’à son décès in consideration of the sale of its housing.
The sale can make in life is free or occupé.
In the case of a life-free, the débirentier has freely, dès the signature of the sale of the property to l’occupy or rent it out.
In the case of a life-occupé, the sale is accompanied d’a réserve d’usufruct or d’a’use for the benefit of the seller. L’usufruct allows him to rent the property and d’rent collection s’he ceases to l’care (for example, suite à départ in retirement home). The accommodation can &stop;tre occupé l’acquémistakes à from the décès to the seller. (source https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F2762)


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