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Some Heart Warming Touches of Canine Bravery

Doo Care
Some Heart Warming Touches of Canine Bravery

No doubt, your animal companions are fearless enough and go far boundaries to serve us with extreme loyalty.

Out of them, my favorite is one that I am going to share is a story of brave-hearted military dog Dexter who served six years in Afghanistan's army.

During this time span of his career, once he detected a garbage truck filled with explosives and saved thousands of lives of civilians as well as military personnel.

Another plucky story that strikes in my mind is of a furry dog Pesky who saves his master from a venomous reptile while they both out for a walk.

This tale is such a heart-warming one as the furry friend of owner died while rescuing his lovable master.

And the most heart-stopping moment is when the family member noticed that one of the children has remained inside the fire.

Doo Care
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