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ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 IND Vs NZ – the go who can win this semifinal match, how will be weather today

I am flypped
ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 IND Vs NZ – the go who can win this semifinal match, how will be weather today

Yesterday i.e. 09 July 2019 ICC Cricket World Cup 2019, the first semi-final Team India and New Zealand between have been played. Was to be expected of us soon ICC Cricket World Cup 2019की the first team which will get in the final plays occurred eye will. But indeed it didn't like. So just New Zealand's innings of 48 overs was going on. Only if the rain be will start which led to a match between the same, stop lying. Yesterday all day, waiting for the rain to occur. A result of which the match resumed, not to be found. Reserve de let go of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 in this semi-final match-up for the next day posted been. So far in this ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 semi-final match in Team India hold of quite good-looking. Now see it happen today also it's the semi-finals match be finds or not. Because England's weather department said on 10 July i.e. today is also going to rain the whole – the whole possibility that he is.

What today not going to rain will ICC Cricket World Cup 2019, the first semi-final match

If England's weather department reports today viewed if India and New Zealand to be played between the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 semi-final match in a rain-disrupted may put is. Weather according to the department, even today, in Manchester the whole day Cloudy is expected. Not only is the sharp rain, this semi-final match adventures completely impaired can. This is very low probability of rain let go of the weather today clear to be longer. By the way, it is also said of the morning until 11 o'clock good sun view can be found. But in between light rain may also occur. And then the whole day cloudy remain. And the rain may also occur. In addition, it also expressed the hope of being India and New Zealand between are being played. This ICC Cricket World Cup 2019, the first semi-final match the result of the Duckworth Lewis rule of the walk can come.

UPDATE – Match to resume tomorrow.#CWC19 pic.twitter.com/J5vsjj7Nbd

— BCCI (@BCCI) July 9, 2019

With the rain unrelenting, the play has been called off for the day.

I am flypped
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