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Flexible Led Light Panel (Any Shape/Size)

CPD Lighting
Flexible Led Light Panel (Any Shape/Size)

The unmatched light quality of 2mm LED light panel is flexible, lightweight, and easy to manipulate. The panel is only 3/32” (2 mm) thick, with an aluminum frame. It is so thin; it can curve to fit the architecture of a space.


Our flexible LED light panels can be used to wrap columns and any other radius that was never before possible. Its lightweight and thickness make shipping and installation a breeze. Plus, CPD Flexible light panels are bright, even, and long-lasting.


Our thin and custom size lighting panels are used for a variety of applications and our customers find new uses every day. One use is our illuminated trade show flooring light panels.


These 6mm thin illuminated LED floor panels are extremely durable and can take the weight of a crowd of people, stands/booths, and even cars for showrooms. Although we use these 6mm thin panels for trade show illuminated flooring, we also use these light panels for permanent lighted flooring installs for museums, lobbies, and logo displays.

CPD Lighting
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