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What Not To Do While on Religious Yatra to Muktinath Temple in Nepal

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What Not To Do While on Religious Yatra to Muktinath Temple in Nepal

Nepal has always been a center of attraction for tourists worldwide. There are a lot of places that could be explored in Nepal and out of all the options that need to be explored, temples come on the top. When we are talking about the temples of Nepal, the first name that comes in our mind is Muktinath temple.  

This temple is of great importance amongst Hindus and Buddhists. The meaning of Mukti is salvation and people believe that coming to this temple will help them in attaining salvation or nirvana. Since, this a sacred place, there are a lot of things that should be avoided during the Yatra. However, Muktinath Tour Packages are available very conveniently.

In the section below, we have mentioned a few points that should be there in the mind of people visiting Muktinath temple.  

Things to avoid while Muktinath Yatra

  • If you are a Hindu and have visited temples earlier, then there are a few things that might be there in your mind. For example, the products that are made from leather are not allowed inside any temple. This is the first thing that you should keep in your mind and should avoid while your Muktinath Yatra. If any leather product like jackets, purses, belts, etc. will be there with you, you won’t be allowed to enter the temple.


  • The next point that we are going to mention is again a fact of common sense, but it is worth mentioning. Not just in Muktinath temple, but in any temple across the globe, you should not carry any drugs with you. In the case of this temple, drugs are illegal, not just inside the temple, but in entire Nepal. One could be charged or fined for this.


  • The thing that we are going to discuss in this particular point is for couples who are going for the Yatra. Although this is totally a private matter, people in Nepal are very particular about a few things. Any physical affection towards your partner during the Yatra or inside the temple premises would be considered offensive. Obviously, you won’t be punished or charged anything for this, but you will have to face the hatred of the people around.


  • If a person is caught with a cigarette or any alcohol inside the temple premises, then it will be considered as a criminal offense and strict action could be taken against that person. So, if you are into smoking or drinking, then this is something you need to avoid inside the temple premises.


  • One thing should be there in the mind of everyone who is going for Muktinath tour that Nepal is an all Hindu country. So, when you are going for any religious offering, Hindu rituals or conventions should be there in your mind. Now, the cow has always been worshiped by the Hindus and holds a special place in mythologies. While the Yatra, do not try to hurt any cow or you will have to face the hatred and outrage of the people around.


  • Another important thing that should be there in your mind while going to Muktinath temple is that you should not carry your cameras with you inside the temple premises. Photography is not allowed inside the temple. This is a rule followed by a lot of temples and other tourists’ spots. If you want to take the pictures of the temple, you can take it from outside. Once you have entered the premises, photography is not allowed and you might be charged for it.

These were all the points that should be there in your mind if you are going for the Muktinath Yatra for the first time. While the Yatra, if you commit any of these mistakes, then you might get punished for it and your trip would be ruined.

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