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How To Run Ecommerce Business In Dubai [A Brief Guide]

Carol Anissa
How To Run Ecommerce Business In Dubai [A Brief Guide]

Ecommerce has overtaken the conventional shopping routine and numbers of online shoppers are increasing day by day. Thanks to internet access and smartphones, the world is now more connected than ever. Like other parts of the world, eCommerce is one of the most profitable business here in dubai. People love to shop online and they don’t have to go shop to shop to find the desired products. Due to increased popularity, lots of eCommerce stores are emerging from time to time. You can order any household stuff online without any hassle by pressing few clicks.


Business setup in dubai is easy as compare to other developed countries. You need to register your company, acquire a license related to your business and provide related documents.  Dubai business environment is very friendly and your investment will be safe here. 

Dubai Ecommerce Market Potential

All of the UAE emirates have seen tremendous growth in eCommerce sector but especially in dubai it has become more than 10 billion dollar industry. Accessibility to fast internet is one of the highest in the world. People tend to buy from local ecommerce stores rather than giants like amazon and alibaba. The amazon of middle east souq bought by the amazon company in 2008 so they have to face the strong local competition. Recently the company has changed the domain name souq.com to amazon.ae to completely make it under amazon. One more thing that will encourage to set up a business is the buying power of the people. A strong economy and buying power of the residents are great signs to start a business here. 

How To Acquire Ecommerce License

Business owners have the option to choose which legal entity they want to formulate their company. You can select free zones or non-free zones to set up the company and the procedure is somewhat different in both cases. But as a foreigner who wants company formation in dubai, i will recommend choosing free zones. Free zone offers various benefits to investors Ex:


  • Complete ownership of the company.
  • You have to pay 0% income tax and corporate tax
  • 100% business profit of the company
  • Leasing price of offices are also very affordable there


In case you don’t want to set up eCommerce business in free zone then you need to acquire a business license from the department of economic development (DED). Contact business consultants in dubai to inquire about the license type (as per your business) and documents that you need to set up the company. These business professionals have updated information and they will guide you in the best possible way.

Setting Up Company Infrastructure

The government has ensured world-class office infrastructure to business owners. You can get cheap lease options, fast internet, security protection, parking and office accessories. In most cases, you need a local sponsor in order to buy or lease a place for your office. In some cases, foreign people are not allowed to buy a place.


Ecommerce Store Development

Once you are done from eCommerce legal setup and space, now you need eCommerce store where you can showcase the products. For this, you need to hire a company that can develop your store and purchases a domain name  (business name) for you. Don’t forget to tell them to set up a payment gateway system so people can pay through credit or debit cards. If you opt for freezone company formation in dubai, these things included in the final price. You put your requirements to business consultants and they will figure out the way to do it.

Important Ecommerce Tools

Ecommerce is not an easy business to handle as it requires so many efforts in different departments. Things like logistics, support, warehouse, import/export products, shipping and marketing. So it is a bit complicated business but if your store gets the customer's attention then it will be rewarding. If you are importing and exporting products then it is better to consult with a business consultant to acquire about rules and regulations.


Customer support is a very important aspect of any eCommerce business so make sure to provide excellent support to your customers.

Final Thoughts

It is easy to set up an eCommerce business in dubai, but to run it successfully you need lots of dedication. For running eCommerce store you need to take more steps as compare to simple business so acquire a business set up services in dubai will be life and time saver.  Dubai is a big market with strong buying capacity, it will be a good audience once you make the name of your store. Don’t compromise on quality and offer excellent customer service, it is key to success in any business.



Carol Anissa
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