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USA Announced overall national Climbing team for Tokyo Olympic 2020

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USA Announced overall national Climbing team for Tokyo Olympic 2020

The first round of athletes has been selected to represent the USA on the IFSC World Cup Circuit in hopes of Olympic qualification with those five multi-colored rings and Tokyo 2020 on every competitive climber’s mind athletes around the world have been training full throttle for Olympic 2020. It’s now just one short year away it’s game time.

With climbing to be included in the Olympic Games for the first time, there have been equal parts of excitement and confusion about how athletes will qualify. For the selection of U.S athletes, the first part step is to earn a spot on Team USA. Fans who want to watch the live competition of Olympic Sport Climbing can get Olympic Sport Climbing Tickets online.

Now 8 athletes’ 4 women and four men have taken that step and are that much closer to Tokyo 2020. USA Climbing announced the team on Instagram the members of the U.S Overall National Team Sean Bailey, Kyra Condie, Ashima Shiraishi, Brooke Raboutou, Drew Ruana, Zach Galla, Nathaniel Coleman, and Margo Hayes.

They will compete on the IFSC (International Federation of Sport Climbing) competition circuit over the next year in hopes of earning one of the 40 20 for men 20 for women spots available for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

How were these climbers chosen?

There were several different avenues by which these athletes earned their spots. The first was to win the Combined Invitational this is how Kyra Condie and Zach Galla secured their places. Even if you weren’t Condie or Galla through your performance still mattered and served as selection criteria, along with how you did in the Bouldering Open National Championships and the Open Sport and Speed National Championships.

Nathaniel Coleman and Brooke Raboutou could arrogance themselves on coming in second place at the Combined putting them in good standing. Ashima Shiraishi came in fourth for women and Margo Hayes placed fifth.

Ashima Shiraishi at the Bouldering Open National Championships, topped the podium in first for women, with Margo Hayes in third and Brooke Raboutou coming in fifth. Sean Bailey matched Shiraishi in the men’s competition with a remarkable win. Nathaniel Coleman was right on his heels in second Drew Ruana placed third and Zach Galla rounded out the top four.

Come late July, the team will be reformed though it could be the exact same make-up of the top four men and top four women in the U.S overall ranking. Although it is not guaranteed that any

American climber will qualify for Tokyo this whittled down core team formed could produce America’s and the world’s first Olympic climbers.

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