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Apple will make it look like there’s an issue with your iPhone’s battery if you try to replace it yourself, report says

Geekz Snow
Apple will make it look like there’s an issue with your iPhone’s battery if you try to replace it yourself, report says

That means if you try to replace it yourself or at any repair shop that isn't authorized by Apple, you will see a message indicating that your battery needs to be serviced.

This message will appear even if you replace your current battery with one of Apple's batteries, the report says.

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If you try to replace the battery in your iPhone XR, iPhone XS, or iPhone XS Max by any means other than through an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider, you may see a message indicating that the battery needs to be serviced, according to a new report from iFixit.

Those who replace their iPhone's battery themselves outside of Apple's channels will see a service indicator appear in the Battery Health section of the device's settings menu, says iFixit.

That service indicator typically means that your iPhone's battery needs to be replaced because it may be degrading.

Geekz Snow
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