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Fire up the bass with the Marshall Stanmore II, now $75 less on Amazon

Geekz Snow
Fire up the bass with the Marshall Stanmore II, now $75 less on Amazon

This wireless Bluetooth speaker usually rings in at $350 but Amazon is now offering a 21% discount.

Fire up the bass and drown out the rest of the world for the low price of $275.

The Stanmore II embodies Marshall’s classic retro look, along with its iconic script logo and signature textured vinyl (available in black or cream finish).

This speaker may have undeniable style, but its weight of 10.5 pounds doesn’t exactly scream portability.

It may not look all that different from its predecessors, but the changes can be felt as soon as you spark it to life.

Among Marshall’s lineup of speakers, the Stanmore II is the most versatile and reliable option for either big or small rooms.

Geekz Snow
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