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Facebook is courting publishers with multi-million dollar deals to launch its news tab this fall

Geekz Snow
Facebook is courting publishers with multi-million dollar deals to launch its news tab this fall

Facebook is keen to become a major news distributor again, after being lambasted for years over its role in aiding the spread of misinformation.

A report from the Wall Street Journal last night indicated that the social network is offering major publications multi-million dollar deals to bring them on board its upcoming news service.

The report noted the company’s offer as much as $3 million to some publications; it has already had some discussions with ABC News, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, and the Washington Post.

Hours later, the social network confirmed to CNBC that it’s launching a dedicated news tab this fall.

Earlier in April, CEO Mark Zuckerberg had mentioned the company wants to introduce this feature by the end of the year.

At the time, he said the company would take on advice from outside the organization to build it the right way.

Geekz Snow
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