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Review: Leica Q2

Geekz Snow
Review: Leica Q2

Most Leica cameras have unique quirks that set them apart from the competition, for better and for worse.

The Leica Q2 is a fixed-lens compact camera with a full-frame 47-megapixel sensor, a rangefinder-style electronic viewfinder, weather-sealed body, and a price tag that’ll make your wallet run and hide.

The price isn’t the only thing about this camera that might take it out of consideration for most photographers.

It’s unfortunate, and it’s certainly an unusual choice for a $5,000 camera, but it is a Leica lens and therefore produces incredible images.

Seriously, even just everyday photos of houseplants and pets seem rich and vivid, like a timeless moment carefully composed and captured in loving detail.

It's great for candids, street photography, and most travel photography.

Geekz Snow
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