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Lugano | an Action-Packed Destination of Switzerland

Switzerland Visa
Lugano | an Action-Packed Destination of Switzerland

In spite of being the third most prominent financial, banking and business center, Lugano does not show signs of hastiness in the environment.

Paired up with the financial and business centers, it has various elegant and aristocratic boutiques, street cafes and bars making it a chirpy place for tourists.

Visitors are usually attracted by the traffic-free streets with in-built sacred and historically significant buildings made in Italian-Lombardy styles along with limited museums, lake and the eminent number of events that take place every year.

Belvedere Gardens located at the lakeside showcase most of the sub-tropical plant species including Camellias and Magnolias along with alluring modern works of Art.

For Art aficionados, Lugano features MASI (Museo d’arte della Svizzera italiana) that showcases art forms and paintings by infamous Klee, Jawlensky, Renoir and Degas.

If you want an extravagant panoramic view of the town depicting Lake Lugano and the Alpine, you need to visit Monte San Salvatore and Monte Bre.

Switzerland Visa
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