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How Power Tiller helps to change the wealth of farmer?

Kisan Kraft
How Power Tiller helps to change the wealth of farmer?

A power tiller is a piece of two-wheeled agricultural equipment, fitted with rotating tillers, that is quick in picking up. Power tillers have been used in Indian agribusiness since the 1980s, but have not, so far, exceeded the popularity of tractors. Power tillers can deal with small as well as large farms, but they are particularly suggested for farms where the land size is small and rough, the slanting landscape may make moving a tractor about unrealistic. Paddy growing farmers with small and marginal land use power tillers to effectively till water-flooded fields.

In addition to tilling the soil, Power tillers can also be used for ploughing the soil, sowing seeds, planting seedlings, harvesting crops, threshing crops, and transporting crops with the different attachments. Different tractors, which are heavy and can compact the soil with their weight and till deeper than required, power tillers till only to the destined depth, smoothening and loosening the soil as they do, and making it simpler to paddy transplanting in the water submerged fields with no risk of suffocating the plants submerged.

Benefits of Power Tiller To The Farmers

  1. Power tillers are more affordable than tractors, and the Indian government gives subsidies to Indian farmers to buy them.
  2. Power tillers require less space for storage.
  3. Power tillers consume lower fuel than tractors. If a tractor requires two liters of diesel for an hour's work, a power tiller can manage with one liter in a similar time.
  4. Power tillers can be efficiently used on different types of lands like flatlands, hilly terraces, water submerged fields, and dry fields.
  5. Power tillers are more useful in regions where there is more labour shortage.


KisanKraft Power Tiller Specifications are:

  • Rated Power: 10.5 kW(14.1 hp)
  • Displacement 903 cc
  • Weight: 474 Kg
  • Speed: 2200 RPM(Eng), 210 RPM(Rota)
  • Engine: 4-Stroke, Water Cooled
  • Fuel: Diesel
  • Number of Gears: 6 Fwd,1 Rev (High & Low)
  • Cultivation Width: 81 cm
  • Fuel Tank Capacity: 14.5 L
  • Fuel Consumption: 1.52 L/hr

This product is recommended to usage for Pumpkin, Sweet Potato crops and majorly used by small and marginal farmers.

If you are decided to purchase a power tiller or farm machineries, please contact KisanKraft Limited. KisanKraft is the best manufacturer, distributor and supplier of agricultural equipment’s.

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Original Content: Power Tiller


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