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Treatment For Kleptomania

Hadriel Sam
Treatment For Kleptomania

Kleptomaniacs have a tendency to steal things Memory Protocol Ebook Review on an impulse. It may not be really for any specific monetary or personal benefits. It is not considered theft; it is in fact a mental disorder, as these people cannot resist the tendency to pick up things without any particular reason.

Kleptomaniacs pick up items that are not even useful to them. They do not consider the value of what they pick up. However, the illness has strong repercussions on the social image, self-esteem, confidence and mental health. If the disorder occurs in children, it is much more difficult to deal with and make them understand.

What triggers kleptomaniacs varies between people. The disease primarily triggers due to some kind of shame or guilt or some other form of mood swings. This disorder shares lot of symptoms that are similar to those of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Most of the kleptomaniacs also suffer from anxiety, mental stress, guilt pangs and depression. It is very difficult to treat this disorder without consulting an expert. It is also a challenge to identify the problem. A psychological review is first done to confirm the same. Psychotherapy and medication are generally advised in combination. However, research is currently on in this area to find out what is the exact psychiatric medication that would help the patients.

While some patients are treated for depression, others are given medication to stabilize the mood, thereby curbing the triggers for such impulsive action. Tranquilizers also help the patient to bring down the anxiety levels and calm down. Anti-seizures medications are administered to patients suffering from panic attacks.



Hadriel Sam
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