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Vibrant Batik Day, A number of Outlets Degree of Interesting Promos and Discounts

Berita Terkini
Vibrant Batik Day, A number of Outlets Degree of Interesting Promos and Discounts

Promo Diskon - National batik day falls on this day, Wednesday 2 October 2019.

Here's a list of discounts that can be hunted consumer:

This outlet also offers a STAR Gift Voucher if visitors spend a minimum of Rp 750 thousand for some brand batik participate.

Tickets this discount is valid from 23 September to 6 October 2019.

The promotion applies to brand Asana, Bali Batik, Batik Semar, Djoe Djoe Gan, Indraloka, Gifts, Bateeq and Draisal Batik.

Tickets valid only 1 day, October 2, 2019 08.00-22.00.

Berita Terkini
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