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The ministry Developed a Health Passport for Ease of Travel

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The ministry Developed a Health Passport for Ease of Travel

the Minister of Research and Technology/Head of Research Agency National Innovation (Technology/BRIN) Bambang Brodjonegeoro said that it is developing a health passport. According to him, the health passport can be a document for people traveling in the middle of a pandemic covid-19.

"If I can, later there is a kind of health passport. So no guarantee this person has been tested (negative of the covid-19) and the data is correct," said Bambang through press releases virtual, Tuesday (16/7).

this Time, he continued, people who travel require various documents like a Letter of Permission to Exit and Enter (SIKM), affidavit, or other document.

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "the Ministry Developed a Health Passport for Ease of Travel" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/07/16/kemenristek-kembangkan-paspor-kesehatan-untuk-kemudahan-perjalanan
Author: Rizky Alika
Editor: Happy Fajrian

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