Today it’s more common than ever for art galleries to hold shows on par with those at museums. As everything moves up in quality, art gallery wall labels need to be more professional as well. That’s where firms like Image Transfers in New York can help. They make custom dry transfer decals that are ideal for wall labels. Produced from digital files you supply, rub-on transfers apply quickly, easily, perfectly to any wall. They are available in a range of colors and even in small print, create a clear and concise label. Among the many options available, an increasing number of the world’s leading galleries are turning to rub-on transfers the label their exhibits. It’s no secret that many shows come together right down to the wire, and rub-on decals are dependable at the last minute. Because there is no water nor solvent involved in the application process, it is straightforward and completed with a burnishing tool. Most high-quality vendors provide the tool with each order. In the unforgiving light of the popular white cube environment, you need flawless precision and dry transfers provide it every time. Using a laser printer of any quality, it would be unlikely you could make labels to match the look of a rub-on decal.
With exhibit wall labels next to every piece displayed in the gallery, there is no doubt they make a significant impact on people’s impressions of the show and art itself. Also, galleries wishing to put forth a high-end image benefit significantly from using better methods such as custom dry transfers. When labels are clear and easy to read, people get the information they need, and keep attention focused on the artwork. Rub-on decals also have significant advantages for small-size type. Unlike stick-on vinyl lettering and other methods that lose clarity in small type fonts, custom dry transfers are clear and crisp at diminutive sizes. Therefore, as a method for producing type and lettering, they are far superior to other options in many ways. Also, because the transfer decals are produced from the digital files you supply, there are no surprises upon arrival. Using the gang-up method, you can format several exhibit labels on each sheet. It’s easy to cut them apart before application and it brings costs down significantly. Because clients and critics are viewing the wall labels up close, having a flawless appearance is essential. With other methods, imperfections would be readily obvious and would detract form the exhibit undoubtedly.
If you’re marking sculpture or other objects where exhibit labels may be placed on surfaces other than walls, you can rest assured that dry transfer decals work well on any dry, flat, smooth surface. It includes wood, metal, plastic and glass. The flexibility and versatility of rub-on transfers and their ability to produce exceptional clarity with small type fonts makes them an ideal choice for art gallery exhibit labels. If you haven’t tried them yet, you owe it to yourself to find out more.
Troy Everson is the author of this article. For further detail about art gallery wall labels please visit the website.