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Top 5 Benefits of Fused Silica and Quartz Glass

Multi Lab
Top 5 Benefits of Fused Silica and Quartz Glass

Silica is the most common mineral found on earth which is used in manufacturing a variety of scientific items such as flow channel cells, quartz microfluidic chips, and many other optical accessories.

In this process, the raw material is heated to its melting point and then cooled-down rapidly to form quartz glass whereas fused silica is produced by melting high purity silica at around 2000°C using a special furnace and it is often referred to as synthetic fused quartz.

Let’s have a look at the 5 great benefits of fused silica and Quartz Glass:

High chemical resistance- Due to high chemical resistance, fused silica has become a versatile mineral admixture for a variety of applications.

Thermal Expansion- Fused silica or quartz glass has high resistance to thermal shock and therefore they are suitable for various applications that experience temperature fluctuations.

Also, they act as great electrical insulators.

Multi Lab
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