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Talk about the non-woven fabric

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Talk about the non-woven fabric

Today I'm going to talk about the non-woven fabric.

First:Classification of non-woven fabrics

Spunlace nonwoven

2. Heat sealing nonwoven

3. Pulp airlaid non-woven fabric

4. Wet non-woven fabric

5. Spunbond nonwoven

6. Meltblown nonwoven fabric

7. Needle punched nonwoven

8. Nonwoven fabric

Advantages of non-woven fabric

1. Environmentally friendly non-woven fabrics are different from plastic products

2. The performance of insulation is better

3. Plasticity is very strong

4. In the production process, it will not pollute the water and air.

Disadvantages of nonwovens

No product is perfect, and non-woven fabrics are no exception. The downside is that the cost is relatively high, which is a headache for everyone. Second, nonwoven materials are generally poorly sold and have many grades. The proportion of recycled materials increases, resulting in a great influence on the toughness and tensile strength of the nonwoven fabric. In addition, during the lamination process, the original nonwoven fabric is hardened and its flexibility is lowered. The tensile strength is greatly reduced and it is extremely easy to tear.

Non-woven fabric can be used in manufacturing wipes,fabric,cloth and others.

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