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Release Date and the Detailed Advanced Features of High Tech PUBG Mobile 0.15.0

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Release Date and the Detailed Advanced Features of High Tech PUBG Mobile 0.15.0

PUBG stands for Player Unknown Battle Grounds, which is a popular mobile game.

It is due for an update to High Tech PUBG Mobile 0.15.0, which will be released on October 16, 2019, and thereafter it will be available in various markets.

Some of the new additions include the facility to ride a helicopter, revive fallen teammates, rocket launcher, air raid, etc.

Tencent (a Chinese multinational investment holding conglomerate founded in 1998) seems to have accredited with the heat it faces from the recently released Call of Duty Mobile, It has a facility of 100 million downloads.

Here’s everything one should know about the new features coming to the battleground.

Find the helipad on the island map, one can drive and ride the helicopter to battle from land as well as air

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