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Irish Tartan Kilt | Made to Measure Irish Kilt

Rehan Tariq
Irish Tartan Kilt | Made to Measure Irish Kilt

Tartan has become the main symbol of Scotland and Scottish Culture. Tartan has also become an essential part of the modern clothing and designer's choice. Kilts were originally made by the pure wool, now kilts are made in acrylic wool and other fabrics for easy maintenance and handling. It is an ideal kilt for casual occasions or even for sporting events.

Irish tartan is one of the best traditional tartan kilts.
This Irish Tartan Kilt is made of 8 yards, 16oz heavy weight Poly-Viscose with fringe on the apron and deep pleats. Each and every pleat at the back is individually sewn to ensure that they stay sharp. The Kilt has three leather straps that offers flexibility to best fit on you. This kilt is ideal for special occasions like wedding events sports events like Football, Rugby Games, Scouts, or simply Fashion wear. All our kilts come with a custom length option so you can choose according to your height and style.

Rehan Tariq
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