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Reasons Why it’s time to your website redesign

Reasons Why it’s time to your website redesign
Do you know the average website lifespan? It’s 2 to 3 years! So it’s time to redesign your website.
“Websites are not the wine that gets better with age”
Your website is outdated and having bad look &  feel

It takes only about 0.05 seconds for users to make an opinion about your website that decides whether they explore more of your site or not!

88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a website after getting a bad UI experience.

Now, you can guess which website you’re more likely to explore more!

Your website is not mobile friendly

If we have a mobile friendly website, then as per Google mobilegeddon update, it will give a boost in Google’s mobile search results

57% of website users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile

Check with Google mobile friendly Tool.

Your website well designed but is not getting results – Poor conversions & bounce rate

The website has a new design but has poor navigation and more white space. It will lead to a higher bounce rate and lower conversion rate.

Website is not SEO friendly

If you have a website and not getting engagements from this, you’re missing perks of many business opportunities.

To make your website as a brand and to get a good online search presence, the website must be optimized with all SEO essential factors, such as meta tags, header tags, page speed, Internal linking, Images.

Fresh content as well as HTTPS website version

The website has everything, but if it is struggling to attract visitors, it’s not good for business. Fresh content can increase online search experience.

Google has confirmed that there’s a quite ranking boost with the HTTPS version. So, it will be more beneficial if we get an SSL certificate for the website.

Let us know your business goals. Contact us today to learn more about our website redesign services and tell us about your company’s requirements.

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