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Diwali and Teen Patti? Indians’ big bets & big thrills.

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Diwali and Teen Patti? Indians’ big bets & big thrills.

Diwali and Teen Patti: Indians enjoy big bets and big thrills through online teen patti games

Diwali is just around the corner and what this grand festival brings with it is a boom in the markets all across the country.

The auspiciousness of Diwali has a bigger role to play in the lives of those who wish to try their luck in making money through card games with the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi.

Diwali season calls for the ‘Diwali Parties’, wherein many card game lovers pull out the deck of playing cards to play the game of teen patti.

However, for the wealthy ones, the betting amount goes up to lakhs.

She was very pleased with the victory and declared that gambling on Diwali night shall bless the players with prosperity throughout the year.

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