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Today at the box office each other the will these three movies

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Today at the box office each other the will these three movies

Bollywood Movies Releasing On Diwali 2019: film industry to Diwali very special and this day, Bollywood's big stars in your films to release like to is. Diwali festival week with the holidays round even gets started. This time the film world these holidays you Entertainment to no stone unturned and at the box office this Diwali-one not two, but three big movies in theaters release are getting. On Diwali you Bollywood from the side of the attainments of the full package being delivered, but these films with the release of the box office on Sunday has begun. Indeed, this Diwali on the sidelines of the three famous stars of the movies be was and today all three movies release has become.

Bollywood Movies Releasing On Diwali 2019

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Bull's eye (Saand Ki Aankh)

Vishwaas hove toh safalta ki koi seema na hove!

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