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The Palapa Ring Is Built, The Provincial Government Of West Papua Still Complain Of The Internet

Berita Terkini
The Palapa Ring Is Built, The Provincial Government Of West Papua Still Complain Of The Internet

Palapa Ring - However, the Government of the Province of West Papua wish this service extended to the district, including the interior and outer islands.

The head of the Department of Communication and Information of the Province of West Papua, Frans Instia in Manokwari said, the installation of the fiber optic cable of the Palapa Ring includes only the district.

"Like the visit of the President (Jokowi) in the Arfak Mountains yesterday (Sunday 27/10).

Fiber optic cable is only attached to in Menyambauw, while mr. President's trip to Anggi," he said.

(Read: the Palapa Ring Sorted out, Rudiantara Feedback to Private If you do Not So Minister)

Get around the limitations, it coordinates with PT Telkomsel to increase the width of the frequency coverage or bandwidth.

Berita Terkini
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