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Welcome to Courses.catking.in

Courses Offered for MBA Preparation - CATKing Courses


Nmat exam

Welcome to CATKing coaching center, CATKing is India's No1 education coaching center in Mumbai. We provide the best education service for CET, CAT, CMAT, NMAT, IIFT exam preparation.


Comprehensive Study Materials

Detailed videos and webinars on online CAT coaching brought to You, by our Academic Experts. Well-categorized content that makes for a quick, yet effective preparation for your target colleges. CAT Mock tests with relevant explanations and strategies for a well-rounded preparation.

These videos, webinars and mocks make for a complete study package that will boost your preparation for CAT.

Cet exam

Practice with Actual CAT Format

Solve CAT mocks that are specifically designed to simulate the format of actual CAT exam. Cat exam These mock CAT tests are made up of carefully selected question sets that incorporate the difficulty level of the CAT exam.


Regular practice with these mocks will make you familiar with the CAT exam format.

Track your progress with Test Reports

Get detailed test reports on your CAT mocks. Stay ahead of the others with an up-to-date analysis of your progress.

Get mentored by our academic experts and previous years’ exam toppers with their expert tips and guidance on how you can get to the college of your choice.


Iift exam

About Us

CATKing is a Focused Ed – Tech Company established in 2008.  Located in Financial Capital of India Mumbai is a one-stop destination for each MBA/MS aspirant which focuses on strategic, engaging and high-quality education.


We at CATKing believe that Education with a blend of strategy can change the way Education is perceived globally. Cmat exam  At CATKing, our purpose is to improve the quality of education, PAN India by devoting ourselves to one vision i.e. Empowering with knowledge.


Our Team comprises of IIMs, SP Jain, NMIMS, JBIMS and NIT alumni and students. We are committed to putting all our expertise and research resources to bring innovative products to the consumers in terms of quality, efficacy, and simplicity.


Address:- Ajanta Industrial Estate, 4th floor Flat No 13 Gulmohar Road Above, Vodafone Gallery, Sundar Nagar, Borivali, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092

Phone:- 8999118999

Phone: 9029077114

Email:- support@catking.in

Visit for more information:- https://www.courses.catking.in/





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