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Hijab in quran and Hadith, Is hijab compulsory in islam, The right way to were hijjab, Hijjab style with niqub.

Nadia Afreen
Hijab in quran and Hadith, Is hijab compulsory in islam, The right way to were hijjab, Hijjab style with niqub.

Hijab in quran and Hadith, Is hijab compulsory in islam, The right way to were hijjab, Hijjab style with niqub.

The literal meaning of hijab is that the intervals, covering, Cover, hide, cover, cover, hide etc.

There is no alternative to hijab system to preserve the status of women.

Women Hijab protecting honor and protection So Allah has enforced Hijab in order to get rid of social injustice and fornication.

The free association of men and women is contrary to human civilization.

Islam started the screen system and gave women respect to the nation and the social system has developed beautiful and aesthetic.

Nadia Afreen
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