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credited with inventing the first true stainless steel

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credited with inventing the first true stainless steel

This forms Duplex Sand Casting China the basis for subsequent deposition of nickel or other metal over the surface.  This functional upper layer can be any material, plated or coated directly onto the protected light metal substrate.  Figure 4 shows a typical result, with a thin 1.9 μm anodized layer under a 11.5 μm final coating view inverted.While light metals such as aluminum and titanium alloys are essential to many industries and applications, the coatings required to provide useful functional properties especially corrosion resistance can be costly in terms of energy, raw materials, or health and safety; and challenging to apply consistently and with satisfactory adhesion.  This article describes a new light metals coating technology,  coating that offers a low-cost alternative that electrodeposits an engineered thin-film coating which bonds tightly to the substrate and provides excellent corrosion and wear resistance along with superior electrical and thermal performance.

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