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Meet Xi Jinping, He Asked China To Remove Import Duty Of Steel Products

Berita Terkini
Meet Xi Jinping, He Asked China To Remove Import Duty Of Steel Products

Luhut - A businessman from the US who became a steel supplier to the country of uncle Sam, delivered steel products in Indonesia affected by the policy of import duties by 25%.

“Tomorrow in the meeting with the Minister of Trade Wilbur Ross, I will say these things and ask US policy to give leniency,” the promise of years of animosity.

This is because, steel is produced in remote areas, so that small communities who work there will feel the impact.

“Only Japan, South Korea and Turkey got the exception in this.

“Especially the export of tropical fruits such as pineapple, and bird's nest, the export of palm oil also can still improve.

Luhut is also eyeing an increase export of raw materials battery power.

Berita Terkini
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