Ideas are dime a dozen. But they need polishing as diamonds do because the good ones are rare. An idea could be a bolt out of the blue from subconscious ideation or it could be a deliberate 77th draft and the idea bloomed into existence. In either case, an idea is a process, cultivation of thought, or even a revolution in some cases. Then how do you polish an idea before implementing it? Why do you do it? Isn’t branding exactly that? All answers in this blog.

Millennials are known to rebel against the plan and seizing the day, come what may.
A disclaimer of understanding before you read on: This is a suggestive piece and not the ten commandments written in stone.
You are an adult responsible for your own tasks and this is your first step towards a system that helps you keep on track.
Rules are meant to be broken, provided you know them in the first place.

We are a bunch of experience hunters working in harmony.
Vishnu Ads is a “One-stop shop” Advertising agency.
A community of artists, explorers, developers, and a bunch of caring souls working together to create something beautiful.
At our hearts, we want a connection with your emotions, not just minds.
Our goal is to create experiences that make people think, inspire and change.

It’s not something to do with SEO and content marketing that these companies invested in, mainly because several of these sites lack the personal touch that engages its visitors to communicate and build business relationships.
What’s SalesIQ anyway?SalesIQ, What Is ItAccording to Zoho, which apparently offered this system, SalesIQ is a platform that helps boost website sales and supports marketing activities on your business.
It’s like a virtual secretary always on standby to keep you engaged and answer your inquiries 24/7.
By integrating SalesIQ into your business, you have the privilege to track your website visitors and their demographics, their activities on your site, convert these visitors to leads, engage them often, give support, and build relationships for more referrals.
Apart from that, you keep them entertained through constant sensible responses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How much more if you launch the site and invest in advertising but performs poorly.