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Green Chillies Vs Red Chillies! Which One Is Good To Eat?

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Green Chillies Vs Red Chillies! Which One Is Good To Eat?

Food is either in the form of snack item like Pani Puri, a Chinese item like noodles or Biryani, or maybe a proper meal; spices always top the list in India cuisines.

People around the globe consider Indian food as one of the spiciest food.

Let us see some important facts of both the chillies, which would help one to decide with which they would like to go with.

Green chillies are also rich in vitamin D which helps to recover cuts or wounds faster.

Green chilli keeps heart-healthy as it contains beta-carotene, one of the major components of green chillies, maintain proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and boosts immunity as well.

Protects Against Life Threatened Diseases

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