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How to Maintain Your Car’s Battery

Erich Wiley
How to Maintain Your Car’s Battery


If you want to buy a used car then you should start by researching about it. You can get a PPSR certificate which will provide you a good starting point. The PPSR certificate can be obtained by paying a small fee. You can get information pertaining to stolen status, encumbrance status, written-off status, serious accidents and damages, etc. about the car from PPSR certificate.

Your car battery is an important part which is mandatory for turning on the engine. You can follow the below-mentioned tips to maintain it in good condition:

Check the Water Level Regularly

The water level in your car battery should be checked every 2-3 months. If you are using an AGM battery, then it is better not to attempt opening it on your own. You should consult an expert for checking the water level in these batteries. If you have a low maintenance free wet-cell car battery, then you can check the water level by yourself. Ideally, the water should touch the bottom of the battery’s refill hole. If the water level is low, then you should refill it using only distilled water. You should use a funnel to refill and ensure that the cells are never overfilled.

Avoid Short Trips

Your car battery charges when your car is being driven. In order to charge the battery sufficiently or completely, you must drive your car over long distances. Driving for extended periods frequently is important for proper charging of the car battery. If you frequently take short trips, then you may find that the battery is not properly charged. As far as possible you should try to avoid or limit shorter rides to ensure good health of the car battery. You can also consider buying portable charger for charging the battery.

Keep Your Battery Properly Fastened and Secured

The battery should be properly fastened and secured. If it is not secured, then it can vibrate during driving which can result in internal damages and short circuits. If you drive regularly on bumpy roads or take your car off-road, then you should check your battery regularly for it being properly positioned on the mounting bracket and fastened.

Turn Off Lights Before Exiting

Many of us have the habit of leaving the car’s headlight and other lights on before exiting. This takes a severe toll on the battery and causes it to drain quickly. You should make it a point to turn off the headlights before exiting the car. You can also walk past your headlight to ensure that it is turned off.

Check and Control the Corrosion

Car battery terminals can corrode over time. You should maintain them by cleaning them regularly to maintain your battery in good condition. You should remove the connectors from the battery terminal and spot signs of corrosion. You can then clean the terminal by using wire brush. The wire brush can be dipped in a paste of baking soda and distilled water and used to gently scrub the terminal for removing any dried acid buildup. You should also take care not to use rubber mallets to put terminals on a battery.

Erich Wiley
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