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Why VIN check is Important for Buying Used Cars

Erich Wiley
Why VIN check is Important for Buying Used Cars


Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a 17-digit code which is unique to every vehicle. It helps you identify the vehicle and its specific details. Searching PPSR is an important consideration and should be undertaken before buying a used car. It helps you know about the car’s history and current status and assists you to make informed buying decisions. Some of the important aspects related to VIN and why a VIN check is important before buying used cars are discussed below:

What Does VIN Represent

VINs are long and complex as they correspond to possible permutation of manufacturing without any duplication. You can find important details pertaining to the car if you decode the 17-digit long VIN. The first 3 digits correspond to the country where the car was manufactured. All cars manufactured in Japan have VINs starting with J. Similarly, VIN for cars manufactured in the U.S. start with 1 while those manufactured in Australia start with 6A-6W.

The fourth to ninth digits of the VIN represent vehicle identification and is exclusive to different manufacturers. These digits are coded uniquely by each car manufacturer and may represent if the vehicle has airbags, kinds of parts used, type or class of car, etc. The 10th to 17th digits of the VIN are used to identify the exact car type and specifications. They generally represent the type of engine, transmission types- manual or automatic-, year of manufacture, model, etc.

Why VIN Check is Important

The basic purpose of using VIN check is to provide the exact identity of the car. If a car is stolen and the number plates have been removed or changed, then only the VIN can provide the car’s true identity. If the car has been reported stolen then the VIN check can help you know about its stolen status and you can remain protected from buying it. If a car is involved in a serious accident, then it can be identified by the VIN. Some sellers may renovate their damaged cars and try to sell it to you. Opting for VIN check will instantly provide you the details of any major accident in which the car has been previously involved in. The VIN can also provide you details of the car’s service history which can help you assess it maintenance and status.

Where to Find VIN

In most new cars, the VIN is stamped below the windscreen, generally located on the lower corner of the passenger side. It may also be stamped on the compliance plate of the car. The compliance plate is riveted to the car’s body which indicates that it complies to the Australian Design Rules. You may also find the VIN stamped on the chassis, on the front chassis rail, or between the front and the rear door. If you are still unable to locate the VIN on the car, you can refer to the owner manual. You can look for the VIN on the referenced page where you can find an explanation or a diagram indicating its location on the car.

Erich Wiley
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