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Fourth-Party Warehouse and Logistics | Logistics and warehouse | Sumpap Logistics

Sumpap Logistics
Fourth-Party Warehouse and Logistics | Logistics and warehouse | Sumpap Logistics

Sumpap Logistics is India based Forth Party Logistics (4PL) service Provider offering one-stop-shop Supply chain services for various industry vertical

Sumpap Logistics, part of Sumpap Group, is a leading service provider of world class supply chain solutions, with experienced dynamic team and established network partners. We provide integrated supply chain solutions for companies in Books and Publishing, Fashion & Uniforms, Furnitures & office Supplies, FMCG, Pharmaceuticals and Special Projects. Sumpap Logistics has many years specialised experience in several key sectors, and has a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in providing solutions across multi-diverse industries.


Mobile- +91-8826331129
website- https://www.sumpaplogistics.com/
email - info@sumpaplogistics.com

Sumpap Logistics
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