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The Price Of Antam's Gold Fell As A Decline In World Gold Prices

Berita Terkini
The Price Of Antam's Gold Fell As A Decline In World Gold Prices

Price for Antam's Gold - Harga emas Antam turun Rp 1.000 to Rp 751 thousand per gram in trading Thursday (19/12).

These precious metal prices weakened as the decline in gold prices in the spot market.

As reported by Reuters, the price of gold in the spot market fell 0.1% to US$ 1.474,91 per ounce in trading Wednesday (18/12).

The price of gold in the stock futures also fell 0.1% to US$ 1.478,7 per ounce.

US economic Data positive make analysts project a small possibility the U.S. Central Bank or The Fed will cut interest rates in the near future.

(Read: Global Gold Prices Stable, Harga Emas Antam Naik Rp 1.000/Gram)

Berita Terkini
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