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Sid Roth : Interview session with Sandra Teplinsky

Sid Roth
Sid Roth : Interview session with Sandra Teplinsky

SID: As far as I’m concerned, if you do not understand the Biblical position, God’s heart for the Jew in Israel in the Last Days, you will go into further and further heresy. It’s that critical. Now there’s something called “Replacement Theology.” And I’ve asked an attorney, a Jewish believer in the Messiah, someone that has spent many years in the land of Israel, Sandra Teplinsky, to explain, let’s just start with basics, SANDRA. What is replacement theology?  


SANDRA: Like its name implies replacement—


SID: Excuse me, can you see that she is an attorney.. “like its name implies—”


SANDRA: (Laughing)


SID: (Laughing) I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist, okay?


SANDRA: I get it all the time.


SID: Oh, okay. (laughing)


SANDRA: Replacement Theology is the mistaken, in fact, extremely erroneous belief that the Church has replaced Israel in God’s heart and in God’s purposes and plans.


SID: Well, how did something so Jewish, the first believers in Jesus were all Jews. How in the world did it evolve to that?


SANDRA: Well Jewish believers in the first century were doing their job very well. They spread the Gospel abroad and before long—


SID: I read about them. In the Bible! They did well. I wish the Church would do as well today!


SANDRA: And before long Gentile believers vastly outnumbered Jewish believers simply because there were many, many more Gentiles in the world than there are Jews.


SID: Sure.


SANDRA: And so as Gentile believers increasingly populated the church as God intended and as it was His heart and is His heart to do, slowly over time, although not that slowly, the traditional Jewish understanding of interpreting the scriptures, of worshipping the God of Israel became replaced by a more “user-friendly” pagan perspective that would draw in more non-Jews and of course those were the people to whom the non-Jewish Gentile believers were reaching out to. And so there was a desire to incorporate elements of the culture that were actually anti-God and anti-Biblical which over time became part of the institutionalized church.


SID: You know a lot of Christians don’t understand this, but there actually was as I understand, a distancing from anything of the Hebraic culture which then caused the understanding of the Bible to be askew.


SANDRA: Sadly, that was the case and intentionally so. Early Church Fathers intentionally attempted to distance themselves from anything Jewish, again partly because it was contrary to the common culture of the day, but also because this notion of what’s called “deicide” set in, which is the belief that the Jewish people were responsible for killing Christ.


SID: You know a lot of you don’t understand this, but I understand it, because as a young Jew growing up before I knew the Messiah even, I had someone say to me I was a “Christ killer.” I bet you had that too.


SANDRA: Many times.


SID: But it started way back then.


SANDRA: It started way back then which gives us a clue as to the importance and significance of the Jewish people and Israel in God’s plans, that the enemy would go to such extremes and such lengths in order to distort scriptural understanding by the Gentile world.


SID: You know the Jewish historian Neander says by the turn of the first century there were approximately a million Jewish believers in Jesus and—they just, I guess as the church turned away from anything Jewish, Judaism turned from, away from anything Christian, and that’s what Paul was talking about, there was a middle wall of separation between the two.

 Note: Check IMDB rating for Sid Roth : It's Supernatural

SANDRA: Right. Right. And as Gentile Christians saw the Jewish people were inter-distancing themselves away from the Gospel, that only fueled the animosity that seemed to be there, so we have church fathers, esteemed church fathers, like the beloved Saint John Chrysostom, who’s venerated by Catholics and Protestants alike, writing venomous, venomous anti-Jewish treatises and stating that the synagogue was worse than a den of thieves, worse than a brothel, and a cave of demons. He made it extremely clear when he wrote, quote, “As for me I hate the synagogue and I hate the Jews.” That not only was he anti-synagogue but he was anti the Jewish people. That’s not God’s heart. Then we have just about a hundred or so years later Emperor Constantine who ruled over the Roman Empire for hundreds of years officially making Christianity the state religion. When he did so, he intentionally distanced himself from any vestiges of anything Jewish from the Hebraic roots of Christianity and imposed that on the Empire as well. He legislated specific anti-Jewish laws designed to isolate and ideally do away with the Jewish people in his Empire and—he wrote this particularly for the church of future generations. He wrote that he hoped it would be his legacy that the church would forever be separated from Israel and from its Jewish roots. And I think that we can say that to a significant degree, that has been the case.


SID: And the thing that’s so amazing is Jesus is Jewish. When He was nailed to the cross, what did it say? King of the Jews. And—let me ask you this question. These people were intelligent, these church fathers. They loved God in their way, maybe, only God knows that one. What scriptural basis did they have for just denying their Jewish roots?


SANDRA: Well, it related more to the way they interpreted the scripture than any particular verse, although they did take different isolated verses throughout the scriptures out of context completely, which is not the Hebraic way of interpreting the Bible at all. Context is everything. They would take—


SID: That’s what, that’s what causes a lot of bad theology in all areas, when you pull one verse, you don’t look what was before it, you don’t look what was after it, and you come up with anything you want to come up with.


SANDRA: And you build a whole theology and world view on it. Right. And so they would take verses out of context and attach spiritual, symbolic or allegorical interpretations onto those verses. What I mean by that is that traditionally the way of interpreting scriptures, which Jesus himself and all of the New Testament apostles employed when they penned the scriptures is to interpret the Bible primarily, fundamentally according to its straightforward, plain, common sense, ordinary meaning. After that we can see how the Lord puts—uses allegory, uses allegory in His word and we can interpret the word allegorically or symbolically and it’s through an allegorical interpretation many times that we see that believers of all nations enter into the promises that God has given to Israel. But those that adhered to replacement theology and those that were putting forth replacement theology interpreted the scriptures primarily allegorically so that when the Word speaks of Israel it’s taken to mean strictly the Church.


SID: Well you know I’ve always been taught, SANDRA, that if you toss out the literal, then you must take the literal first, before you have the right to take the allegorical. If you don’t do that, then you could take any parable and come up with any theology you want.


SANDRA: And we see this actually today recurring in what is called “Fulfilment Theology,” which is a relatively new form of Replacement Theology.


SID: Explain what that is.


SANDRA: Fulfillment Theology takes Matthew, chapter 5, verse 17, where Jesus says that He’s come to fulfill the Law as its starting point, and proclaims that all of the prophetic promises to Israel, all of God’s future plans are, in fact, not future. They have all been totally fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ himself.


SID: So you, but—in order to come up with that, you have to throw out so many prophecies in the Bible, you have to say the Bible isn’t literal. Do they say that?




SID: Because you have to say that, otherwise what are you going to do with Romans [chapter] 9, 10 and 11?


SANDRA: Well I can tell you what I’ve read some of them do with it. Some—a leading scholar in one of the top highly regarded seminaries in the United States writes that the Apostle Paul in Romans 9 through 11 was merely venting his unresolved emotions, it is not inspired.


SID: That’s sad.


SANDRA: Well, what, and again we’re talking, Sid, not just, you know, a stray fringe, but we’re talking academics teaching in evangelical seminaries, born again students, you know young people in their twenties, who are being taught that portions of the scriptures, particularly the Old Testament are not the inspired Word of God but are either Jewish myths and fables, or they’re to be interpreted as the personal expressions of the author and not the inspired Word of Father, Creator God himself.


SID: You know I am bumping into so many variations of what you’re describing. I’m bumping into people that literally say the Book of Revelation was already finished and we, we shouldn’t be reading The Book of Revelation right now. What would you say?


SANDRA: Well, I would say we should. (laughs) I think that it, you know, it’s a great ending. Jesus, Yeshua comes back. But there are some people who adhere to a teaching that states that all of the prophecies pertaining to Israel or all of the prophecies in general, all of them, have already been fulfilled. They did literally come to pass some people will say, but they came to pass thousands of years ago. And so there’s no future hope for Israel’s restoration in the scriptures, they would say.


SID: Except for one thing. John wrote this after they say it was all fulfilled in 70 A.D. which kind of puts a crunch to that, that theology. What about this? I know you personally have a heart for the Arabs, the Palestinians. I know this. What, but there are so many Christians that are developing this heart for the Palestinians they are coming up with a whole Palestinian theology. What is that?


SANDRA: Well, there’s a new theology that sometimes is called “Christian Palestinianism” which seeks specifically to counter “Christian Zionism.” And that’s, that’s not my opinion. I mean that’s, that’s made public on websites and in writings from scholarly treatises down to social media. Christian Palestinian is a way of—developing a new form of replacement theology that doesn’t have to be called replacement theology because replacement theology, as you may know, has become politically incorrect, even within the church. And so there’s a new theology now called Christian Palestinian. It’s really a form of Fulfillment Theology, and it’s specifically—


SID: You know it sounds good, you know the title—but it’s not!


SANDRA: Well it’s not good because it’s extremely anti-Israel and it denies any covenant basis for Israel’s existence today as a Jewish nation under God. It completely disclaims that there’s any future or even present covenant purpose for Israel to exist. And it utilizes fulfillment theology. It utilizes some other errors that have come in and out of the church. But it’s gaining fast in popularity. It’s going around the world.


SID: Well let’s just take the statement you just made. What is the Biblical basis for the covenant of the land with the Jewish people?


SANDRA: That traces all the way back to Genesis where God covenants with Abraham. Goes into Genesis 15 where God specifically makes that covenant unconditional, meaning that even if Israel sins God’s covenant with Israel still stands. God reaffirms that covenant in Genesis 17 specifically to Isaac, and not Ishmael. Then reaffirms it—


SID: Who, and by the way, Ishmael’s the father of the Arab people. But go ahead.


SANDRA: And then reaffirms that covenant specifically to Jacob, and not Esau. And then the Old Covenant as well as New Covenant scriptures continue to ratify or reaffirm the existence of God’s covenant with Israel. That Prophet Jeremiah says “only if the sun stops shining and the stars in the skies fall away and the heavens can be measured will my covenant with Israel cease and will Israel cease to be a nation before Me.”


SID: Okay, but that begs, that begs the question what you’re saying right now, as an attorney you have the right answer—and that is many would say “yes,” but that was a conditional covenant and the Jewish people were disobedient and so therefore they lost out completely. But just that scripture you use, is there any other scripture?


SANDRA: Well, there are many. Let’s us jump to the New Covenant because usually we’re talking about a Christian perspective. In the New Covenant, the Apostle Paul in Romans 9 through 11 affirms over and over again, “Has God rejected His people?” No. Romans 11, verse 1. Paul goes on to say that the gifts and call of God are irrevocable. In Romans 9 Paul writes specifically that “Israel’s is” ... meaning “still is,” in Greek it “still is” ... “Israel’s is the promises and the covenants.” And then there, there are scriptures where Yeshua Himself strongly implies, very strongly implies that God’s covenant with Israel still stands. Acts chapter 1, before He is sent into heaven He affirms that the kingdom of God, as the apostles understand it after 40 days of intense teaching by Messiah himself, the kingdom of God that was promised to Israel and to extend to the nations is yet to come.


SID: SANDRA, give me your understanding of a New Covenant scripture in reference to God’s position on the Jew in Israel at the times of judgment. And hey, if it's not now, when?


SANDRA: In Matthew chapter 25 the disciples have asked Jesus what will be the sign of His coming. And they’re asking Him about the Last Days. Jesus goes on to describe those signs, and then in that context He talks about how when He returns, when Yeshua returns, that He will judge the nations based on how they have treated His “brothers.” Now in the Greek, how we have treated these brothers of His, the word “brothers” refers literally to flesh and blood. Comes from the word “womb.” In context Jesus is talking about how the church, and how the nations, how the church of the nations has treated the Jewish people in the End Times. And He says “when you fed the hungry, when you cloth the naked, when you visit, visited those that were in prison you did it unto Me.” How we treat the Jewish people, Jesus” kinsman according to the flesh, reflects how we will treat, how we treat him, reflects how we will treat Him, and is the basis, a prime basis, for how He will judge the peoples when He returns.


SID: I want to conclude this with Psalm 122, verse 6. Of all the nations in the world, there is only one nation that God puts a specific blessing on. Israel! If you bless Israel, you will be blessed. He doesn’t say that about France. He doesn’t say that about England. Doesn’t say that about Australia. Doesn’t say it about the United States of America. Psalm 122:6 says: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Thou shalt prosper that love thee.” And guess what? I looked up that word “prosper.” It doesn’t mean what most people think. Most people think “money,” I’ll get money if I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Huh! It means something that money cannot purchase. It means in the Hebrew “heart peace.” Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. You shall have heart peace, God says, in a time, in a season we’re living in, when yet once more I’m going to shake this earth. That’s what you see happening right now. A thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at the other side. It shall not come near you. You’re going to be in heart peace because you pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Now I wonder if any of you have a question you would like to ask SANDRA. Would you mind coming up here, please. I know, it’s sort of like a salvation, close your eyes, raise your hand, everyone stand up. (laughing) You know, same thing. Would you mind coming up here and make it because you’ll be in more of the light and come closer to me “cause you’ll be in more light. Okay.

QUESTIONER #1: I just wondered if in the end time what nations are the sheep nations? Does that identify what those nations are? Because my understanding is that the nations shall turn against Israel. So are there any good ones left we need to move to? (laughter) Please?


SID: In my opinion, I’m going to answer it first and then SANDRA can, in my opinion the safest nation in the world for you and for you is to be where God calls you. Because it doesn’t, flat doesn’t matter. I agree with you, it says in Zechariah “all nations will turn against Jerusalem.” I guess it’s a matter of time. I want the United States to hold out—

QUESTIONER #1: I do too, I do too.


SID: —just until! (laughs) Yeah, you follow. But yeah, I think because basically “all” means all to me. How about you, SANDRA?  


SANDRA: That’s how I understand it. I do believe that there will be very possibly areas, you know pockets where, where, where God, God will bless communities that are serving Him and worshipping Him and maybe Christian communities in the future but my understanding is that no nation will stand with Israel in the end, only the Church, the true Church from among all nations.

QUESTIONER #1: So would the Church be protected then?




SID: But you know I like what she just said. I like the idea of there will be pockets of believers that the glory will be so strong that someone’ll walk, walk, walk in with a bomb and won’t be able to penetrate that glory. That’s what I believe. Thank you.

QUESTIONER #2: Hi, SANDRA. I just recently returned from a visit to the West Bank on September 15th so I personally witnessed the “pollywood?” Is that how you pronounce it?


SANDRA: —”paliwood”

QUESTIONER #2: —that you spoke of. And my concern is when you have that type of propaganda, that message that goes out and its, and it’s very strategic, very real, how do you lovingly share that with believers with, and, and who are really taken in by what they perceive to be an atrocity on the Palestinian people by the Israeli, uh you know, government and by Jews in particular. How, how, how do we craft our message? What, what can we do? Besides pray?


SANDRA: Yeah, right—well you can read my new book (laughs) because it’s specifically for that—that’s one main reason that I wrote the new book because there really isn’t a whole lot out there that can equip and empower the average Christian today to come against what are really demonic strongholds. And, and so, you know, being sensitive to the Lord, there is an extent to which, you know is your time and energy best spent trying to persuade somebody who’s already beyond, seemingly beyond persuasion versus a reaching to people who still haven’t you know, solidified their—yeah, yeah—You know I don’t know that it’s extremely different from sharing the Gospel in that, you know, it’s sharing truth firmly but in love, trying to find the common ground with where the person’s at.


SID: Your job is not to convince anyone. Your job is to speak the truth in love. You can do that.

QUESTIONER #2: And what’s the title of your book?


SANDRA: “Why Still Care About Israel?” And what I’ve done that’s—again this is to answer her question which I think many people might share, is that I’ve got extensive documentation only some of which is in the book itself and end notes, but also on line because you know sometimes you can just basically end up in a spitting contest. And they do this, no they do that, no they do this, no they do that. Now, the reality is, is that you can go on line now and find documentation for anything you want to find documentation about. You know, I mean you can find documentation that the Jews are the descendants of apes and pigs because that’s what Islam teaches, according to fundamental Islam. But having a sense of the reliability of the sources is important. But—

SID: But why did you document the book so thoroughly?

SANDRA: I felt strongly the Lord asked me to. Because most people who are able—not too many people who speak to the church have the kind of background in law and in the study and dissection of documents that, you know, that, that I happen to have just because of the way that you know God’s called me to walk. So in that book He really did draw on my political science background which I never thought I’d use (laughs) as well as the legal research and as well as the adherence to scripture and expression of His heart of love. But the documentation is important for many people because otherwise it’s just an opinion and everybody has an opinion. 

SID: I agree. We have one last question.

QUESTIONER #3: Yeah. I was very disturbed. I was in a lady’s group meeting recently and a group of church people here in Charlotte went to Israel with the sole purpose of getting with Palestinian people and Jewish people. And they, I felt like the whole thing was arranged because when they came back they were so angry at the, at the Jews. And I felt like their meetings were arranged and this was done by a prominent church in Charlotte. And I, all I can say is I was just flabbergasted. I just could not take it all in and was very distressed, and I wondered, I mean, I guess now I heard from the other lady, I know to tell them about your book. Because I just felt like it was propaganda, taking these people and they took them to specific places to meet specific people. And they were blown away at a hostility of one Jew and the—um, um, what would you, what I call the hospitality of the Arabs, and it was like to me, what came to my heart this whole thing was planned out and I was very grieved in my spirit. 

SANDRA: Those things do get planned out. They are propaganda tours.

SID: By the way, I know this also as an Israeli. When we do tours and we have one coming up next April, all of our guides will be Jewish believers in the Messiah, our tour company will be a Jewish tour company. Why is this important? You have your choice to see Israel through Palestinian eyes or through Jewish eyes. I want you to see the real Israel through Jewish eyes. Thank you.

Read more Interview of Sid Roth here.

Sid Roth
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