Today, more and more people are having problems with the movement system. Stress, haste, fatigue, lack of sleep are all stigmatizing our body.
Sometimes there are painful conditions which are difficult to deal with by themselves. Then you should go to a specialist. But what kind?
A manual therapist will be a good choice. Manual therapy is a set of methods and techniques used in the diagnosis and treatment of functional disorders of the motor system. It is worth adding at this point that they do not necessarily result directly from a malfunction of the skeletal-articular system, but may be the result of a dysfunction of the nervous or muscular system.
It should also be added that this therapy is fully researched and scientifically proven.
Various treatment methods are used. First of all it is mobilization, i.e. traction and slides used to improve the mobility of the joint. In addition, there are manipulations that activate the joints and stretching, that is stretching.
An important element of manual therapy is also the massage - the therapist thus interacts with soft tissues and internal organs. Neuromobilisation is also used - a technique for restoring normal nerve function. In addition, the patient receives a number of tips which, when applied in everyday life, will help him/her to fight his/her ailments. These include sleeping positions, sitting, etc.
Who is this therapy intended for?
The list of indications is very long. It includes back pain, headaches, migraine, spinal bent, postural defects, restricted range of movement in the joint, neuralgia, states of muscle tension, fatigue, sleep disorders, limb numbness, degenerative changes.
However, if there is no problem on this list, it is worth going to a specialist - he will carefully examine and assess whether manual therapy in this case is advisable and what benefits can we expect.
It is also worth adding that this therapy is fully natural. With the help of the therapist, the muscles and joints are activated, the correct position is restored, which helps to alleviate many of the pain without medication.
Today in almost every city there is a therapist treating with this method.