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Business School in Hyderabad

paramesh sai
Business School in Hyderabad

IMT Hyderabad Business School’s PGDM Connect program is not for the faint-hearted. With over 1000 contact hours of curriculum and 300 hours of personal
and professional development, we aim to develop our students into ready-to-work professionals. A two-year full-time AICTE approved the program,
the IMT Business School in Hyderabad in India Connect is a new approach to addressing the challenges of the next-gen professionals: experience working with teams,core business know-how, excellent communication skills, strong analytical abilities and more. The PGDM program structure is based on the trimester system,
where each trimester is of 10 weeks of instruction followed by 1 week of the comprehensive examination. The intervening period between
the first and second year is the summer term of about 4 months duration. During the summer term, students can opt for Internship (IP) or
Student Exchange Program (SEP) or pursue management thesis and seminars (MTS). For more details please visit our website.

paramesh sai
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