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Loud neighbour. How do you deal with him?

Archie Heron
Loud neighbour. How do you deal with him?

How to deal with a noisy neighbour? Is it possible to mute, soundproof the wall?

In our time, noise attacks us practically everywhere. In the streets, the constant bustle of the city, in workplaces, the sounds of conversations intertwine with the external noise. Unfortunately, even a house or apartment is not usually an oasis of peace and quiet. Especially the residents of block of flats complain about the constant noise, and a noisy neighbour can effectively make everyday life miserable. It doesn't matter whether it's students who have a rich nightlife or elderly people who are hard of hearing and listening to the whole regular. It doesn't matter. Each of these cases is a nuisance to us and we should get rid of it.

People need acoustic comfort. Too much noise causes annoyance, stress, reduced performance even in trivial household activities, and in extreme cases leads to more serious illnesses.

Is it at all possible to enjoy peace and quiet when behind a wall a noisy neighbour notoriously plays loudly until dawn? Yes, but you have to think about modern silencing solutions so that noise will no longer poison the peace. So it's worthwhile to adapt the appropriate acoustic system in the room, which effectively absorbs all external sounds, and this is not their only advantage. The use of acoustic systems also has a positive impact on the room acoustics, as they eliminate unbearable reverberation and echoes, which is, after all, the case in large rooms with little furniture.

Some people try to suppress external sounds by domestic methods, such as egg stamping. However, this is neither professional nor aesthetic. Properly selected by professionals acoustic absorbers, panels or acoustic foams will guarantee wonderful peace in the apartment. With the help of sound absorbing and damping factors, as well as the correct dispersion of ultrasound waves, a noisy neighbour will never again be a problem. Interestingly, investing in an acoustic system is not that expensive. Just a few dozen zlotys is enough to enjoy peace and a nice visual effect.

Archie Heron
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