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Is Email marketing still effective in 2020?

Anna Knyazan
Is Email marketing still effective in 2020?

Email marketing is a very popular communication channel on the Internet. Its conversion is the highest when compared to other Internet marketing tools. According to the Marketing Insider Group, 59% of B2B marketers believe that email distribution is the most effective channel for increasing revenue. The advantages of email marketing lie in direct and fast communication with potential customers, a relatively inexpensive cost of implementation, automatization, growth of targeted actions from subscribers, and having a growing loyalty to your brand.

But companies are faced with the problem of being marked as spam, which greatly undermines their reputation as the informational email sender. If you do not prevent the domain and IP addresses from getting into spam and blacklists, this will lead to the inability to use email marketing effectively in the future.

It is vital for successful sales via email to have a clean and high-quality email database. However, eventually, any database will get duplicates, addresses with errors, and broken or unsupported emails. That is why an important step here is the validation of email addresses.

I found Proofy.io to be the overall best email checker and verifier service for small businesses based on its accuracy, processing speed, and price per email.

Anna Knyazan
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