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The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Guide For Couples Travelling To Sydney

Hariet Harison
The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Guide For Couples Travelling To Sydney

f you’re in Sydney for Valentine’s Day, do more than just exchanging flowers and chocolates! Celebrate with your loved one, spoil your beau and make the most of Cupid’s arrow striking you just right!

Here are a few not-so-cliche activities we recommend for celebrating Valentine’s Day in style while in Sydney:



Cruising towards great memories to last a lifetime


Celebrate the day of love on board a luxury multi-million dollar catamaran roving down the Sydney Harbour. What sets the Magistic Valentine’s Day cruise apart from the rest is that you get a chance to take along your entire family, as the special Valentine’s Day dinner cruise is family-friendly.


Enjoy a spectacular 3-hour Valentine’s Day cruise along the picturesque Sydney Harbour and dine on a delicious 3-course special menu with select beverages for the duration of the cruise! That’s not all- you are seated on reserved tables and you can take in the stunning night-time harbour views from one of the three spacious decks of this Valentine’s Day dinner cruise.


A hot air balloon ride


Love is in the air


There’s something extremely romantic about hot air ballooning- no matter when in the world one may be. Sydney and its surrounding areas especially the Blue Mountains is a popular spot to catch aerial views from a comfortable hot air balloon. A few of the popular hot air ballooning spots in Sydney are listed below:


  • Hawkesbury River- View a diverse landscape from up above the skies so high from this location at the foothills of the Blue Mountains. View ecosystems like forests, rivers and mountains all at once on a hot air ballooning adventure from this very underrated site.
  • Hunter Valley- Whether you’re looking at it from within or looking at it from an aerial view, Hunter Valley always impresses. The vineyards views are breathtaking and this is a very popular spot for special occasions. A Valentine’s Day proposal, perhaps?


  • Long drives in the countryside


Let your hair down, grab a few road trip snacks and head out on a Valentine’s Day adventure


Drive out into iconic Australian landscapes this Valentine’s Day! For a spectacular coastal route, our top recommendation is the Grand Pacific Drive. Take in vistas of rainforests nestled along the coasts, with wildlife roaming freely and stunning lookouts to some fantastic views! Begin your adventure at the Royal National Park and then head on over to the Sea Cliff Bridge- a spectacular winding road hugging the dramatic coastlines. En route, feel free to stop and spot wild dolphins at Jervis Bay, go fruit picking and relax on the pristine silica sands of remote Aussie beaches.


If along with some great views, you want to indulge your senses in a melodious marriage of delicious food and immaculate wine pairings, the Hunter Valley Food and Wine Trail is the solution to your Valentine’s Day dilemma. Clubbed together with the hot air ballooning ride, your partner and you are sure to have a Valentine’s Day to remember!







Hariet Harison
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